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Hey! We're Fuzzy 👋


We're on a mission to help workers around the world find career fulfilment


Work really matters.

For most of us, it's how we spend most of our waking time. And it has a huge impact on our well-being and those around us.

Unfortunately, the career paths we choose aren't often what we want to do forever - but building the skills needed to have an evolving, fulfilling career overtime can feel impossible.

That's why we're here - to help you with the tools you need to find and develop a lifelong, fulfilling career. 

Our Story


Harry and Lucy both began their careers in management consulting and then moved in to hyper-growth tech companies.

As operators, they both saw first-hand just how valuable the generalist, 'soft', 'fuzzy', skills taught in high-performance organisations can be - applied in almost any environment. 

The problem is most organisations don't teach these skills well. And the result is the skillsets that have the biggest impact on careers over the long-term are left to chance, limited access and intuition - 'you either get it or you don't'.

This isn't good enough.

Motivated to get these skills into the hands of workers around the world, Harry and Lucy both starting creating, teaching and sharing. 

Before co-founding Fuzzy, Harry and Lucy taught skills such as Negotiation, Structured Problem Solving and Product Management to professionals at some of the world's most successful companies as well as start-ups and scale-ups. 

Now, Fuzzy is on a mission to help workers around the world find fulfilling careers to bring impact, meaning and joy.

We're starting with soft skills but there's lots to be done! 


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